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米議会で日本人・韓国人拉致非難決議案 英文原文(2005/05/29)

■米議会で日本人・韓国人拉致非難決議案 英文原文


Condemning the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the abductions
and continued captivity of citizens of the Republic of Korea and Japan
as acts of terrorism and gross violations of human rights.
Mr. HYDE submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred

Condemning the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for
the abductions and continued captivity of citizens of the
Republic of Korea and Japan as acts of terrorism and
gross violations of human rights.
Whereas since the end of the Korean War, the Government
of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has kidnapped
thousands of South Korean citizens and as many
as a hundred Japanese citizens, including Rumiko
Masumoto, Megumi Yokota, and Reverend Kim Dongshik;
Whereas the forced detention and frequent murder of those
individuals abducted by North Korea have caused untold
grief and suffering to their families;
Whereas on September 17, 2002, after considerable pressure
from the Government of Japan, North Korean leader
Kim Jong-il admitted that agents of his government had
abducted thirteen Japanese citizens in the 1970s and
1980s and assured Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro
Koizumi that this would never happen again;
Whereas despite assurances to the contrary, North Korea
continues to order and carry out abductions, and, as recently
as August 8, 2004, North Korean agents operating
along the Chinese border kidnapped Ms. Jin Kyung-sook,
a former North Korean refugee and South Korean passport-
Whereas the abduction policy of North Korea has been integral
to its espionage and terrorist activities, and
abductees have been kidnapped to work as spies, to train
North Korean agents in language, accents, and culture,
and to steal identities, as in the case of Mr. Tadaaki
Whereas the Pyongyang regime used abductee Ms. Yaeko
Taguchi as the Japanese language instructor for North
Korean terrorist Kim Hyon-hee, who was caught carrying
a Japanese passport after planting a bomb on Korean
Air Lines flight 858 that killed 115 people in 1987;
Whereas many victims of North Korean abduction have been
seized during terrorist attacks, as in the hijacking of
South Korean planes in 1958 and 1969, and, decades
later, Pyongyang continues to hold twelve passengers of
a hijacked Korean Air flight, including passenger Mr.
Chang Ji-young and flight attendant Ms. Song Kyong-hi,
who has since been allowed a brief visit by her South Korean
Whereas North Korean agents have hijacked numerous South
Korean ships and kidnapped the seamen and fishermen
aboard the vessels, such as Choi Jong-suk, Kim Soonkeun,
and ten other crewmen of the Dongjin 27, a ship
that was seized in 1987, and Seoul estimates that hundreds
of these abductees are still alive in North Korea;
Whereas boat hijackings and the kidnapping of fishermen
have devastated South Korean fishing communities, such
as Nongso village on the southern island of Geoje, a community
of 210 people that lost 14 sons, husbands, and
fathers when North Korea seized three ships in 1971 and
Whereas the North Korean authorities conspired with members
of the Japanese Red Army, a group designated as
a terrorist organization by the United States Department
of State, to kidnap Keiko Arimoto, a young Japanese
woman studying abroad;
Whereas according to the records of the Unification Ministry
of the Republic of Korea, 486 South Korean abductees
are still alive and being held in North Korea, and among
these individuals are fishermen, seamen, airline passengers,
teachers, students, and pastors;
Whereas North Korean agents have abducted children, causing
unimaginable anguish to parents who live decades
with the uncertainty of what has happened to their child,
as in the cases of Takeshi Terakoshi, a thirteen-year old
boy kidnapped from a fishing boat with his two uncles,
and Lee Min-gyo and Choi Seung-min, two seventeenyear
old friends abducted off a beach in South Korea;
Whereas North Korean agents kidnapped thirteen-year old
Megumi Yokota, as she was walking home from school,
and subsequently reported that she married and had a
daughter in North Korea before committing suicide in
1993, and that Megumi’s daughter remains there separated
from her family in Japan;
Whereas the Pyongyang regime has abducted a number of
South Korean ministers who were bravely working to rescue
North Koreans escaping on the underground railroad
through China, including Reverend Ahn Seung-woon and
Reverend Kim Dong-shik, the latter of whose welfare is
of particular importance to representatives of the State
of Illinois;
Whereas on April 21, 2005, the Seoul Central District Court
convicted Chinese citizen Ryu Young-hwa of assisting
North Korean agents in the abduction of Reverend Kim
and, further, that a Chinese court convicted a North Korean
citizen of masterminding the abduction of Reverend
Ahn, and deported the agent to North Korea in July
1997 following a two-year prison term;
Whereas some of the abductees have risked their lives in trying
to escape North Korea, as in the case of South Korean
fisherman Im Kuk-jae, who has twice attempted to
escape since his kidnapping in 1987, and is now believed
to be imprisoned in one of North Korea’s notorious labor
Whereas the North Korean regime continues to deceive the
international community regarding its ongoing abductions
and has furnished false information concerning eight
Japanese abductees, including suspicious accounts of
their supposed premature deaths;
Whereas the Government of North Korea has never convincingly
accounted for Ms. Rumiko Masumoto and Mr.
Shuichi Ichikawa, kidnapped by Pyongyang agents from
a beach in Japan on August 12, 1978, and claims that
Mr. Ichikawa drowned in the sea, despite his dislike of
swimming, and that the formerly-healthy Ms. Masumoto
died of a heart attack at the age of 27;
Whereas North Korea claims abductees Mr. Toru Ishioka and
Ms. Keiko Arimoto, who were kidnapped separately in
Europe and later married, supposedly died together with
their small daughter of gas poisoning in 1988, two
months after they were successful in getting a letter out
of North Korea to family members in Japan;
Whereas although the Pyongyang regime claimed to return
the alleged cremated remains of Mr. Kaoru Matsuki and
Ms. Megumi Yokota to Japanese officials, both remains
appear not to be authentic, and, according to Pyongyang,
the bodies of the six remaining Japanese abductees have
conveniently been washed away during flooding and cannot
be recovered to verify the causes of their untimely
Whereas despite the efforts of the Japanese Government, the
Pyongyang regime continues to deny any knowledge of
the abductions of Mr. Yutaka Kume, Mr. Minoru Tanaka,
and Ms. Miyoshi Soga, the mother of another acknowledged
abductee, despite overwhelming evidence of
North Korean collusion in their disappearances;
Whereas North Korean abductions have not been limited to
northeast Asia and many documented abductees have
been kidnapped while abroad, such as Mr. Lee Chaehwan,
a young MIT graduate student traveling in Austria,
and Mr. Ko Sang-moon, a South Korean teacher
kidnapped in Norway, making the issue of serious concern
to the international community;
Whereas there have been credible reports that North Korea
may have abducted citizens from many other countries in
addition to South Korea and Japan, including persons
from China, Europe, and the Middle East;
Whereas for more than fifty years, North Korea has held
South Korean prisoners-of-war captured during the Korean
War in clear violation of Article III of the Korean
War Armistice Agreement signed on July 27, 1953, and
the South Korean Ministry of National Defense estimates
that 542 captives are still alive in North Korea, according
to testimony given before the National Assembly in
February 2005;
Whereas according to the testimony of prisoners-of-war who
have successfully escaped from North Korea, South Korean
prisoners-of-war have been forced to perform hard
labor for decades, often in mines, and are harshly treated
by the Pyongyang regime;
Whereas after being forcibly held in North Korea for fiftyone
years, South Korean prisoner-of-war Han Man-taek,
age 72, escaped to China, was detained by Chinese police,
and forcibly repatriated to North Korea earlier this year,
where he inevitably faced punitive measures and possible
execution; and
Whereas these South Korean prisoners-of-war served under
the United Nations Command, fighting along side their
American and Allied fellow soldiers, and therefore are the
direct concern of the Allied nations who contributed
forces during the Korean War: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate
concurring), That Congress
(1) condemns the Government of the Demo
cratic People’s Republic of Korea for the abduction
and continued captivity of citizens of the Republic of
Korea and Japan as acts of terrorism and gross vio
lations of human rights;
(2) calls upon the North Korean Government to
immediately cease and desist from carrying out ab-
ductions, release all victims of kidnapping and pris-
oners-of-war still alive in North Korea, and provide
a full and verifiable accounting of all other cases;
(3) recognizes that resolution of the nuclear
issue with North Korea is of critical importance,
however, this should not preclude United States
Government officials from raising abduction cases
and other critical human rights concerns in any fu-
ture negotiations with the North Korean regime;
(4) calls upon the United States Government
not to remove the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea from the Department of State’s list of State
Sponsors of Terrorism until such time that North
Korea renounces state-sponsored kidnapping and
provides a full accounting of all abduction cases; and
(5) admonishes the Government of the People’s
Republic of China for the forced repatriation to
North Korea of Han Man-taek, a South Korean
prisoner-of-war and comrade-in-arms of the United
States, and for its failure to exercise sovereign con-
trol over teams of North Korean agents operating
freely within its borders.

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