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込先:郵便振替口座 00100-4-14701 救う会 )




代表 横田滋
会長 佐藤勝巳

▼Appeal from the Korean War Abductees’ Family Union
Home-page: www.korwarabductees.org
March 3, 2003

We, the families of the abducted during the Korean War, salute and pay our respects to the people of the U.S. for sacrificing her citizens in helping Korea in the war. This appeal is borne out of our earnest wish to request for the help of U.S. government and congress in repatriating our fathers and sons who have been abducted to North Korea.

1. The Continuing War and the Terror of Abducting
During the early phases of the Korean War, the North Korean government committed terrorist acts by ordering the abducting of South Korean civilians in the occupied territory. At the time, not only South Korean leaders but also ordinary citizens, including laborers and students, were abducted. Altogether, more than 80,000 South Koreans were abducted and detained in
North Korea against their will. It is a life of longing and waiting that
has gone on for 50 years, not even knowing whether their beloved are alive or dead. The tragedy still persists, due to the cowardly terrorist acts committed by North Korea. During the Armistice talks, the U. N. delegation discussed the issue of the abducted civilians, but North Korea insisted that no abducting took place. For almost half a century, not a word was heard on the whereabouts of the abducted civilians. 2. New Evidence of Abducting Discovered
In 2002, the families of the abducted discovered a list of the abducted. The list, containing the names of 82,959 abducted civilians, was originally prepared and published by the South Korean government in October 1952. With this discovery, the terrorist activities of North Korea were clearly revealed. 3. Activities of the Families of the Abducted
We put every effort to force the North Korea to confirm the survival or death of our beloved, and return the survivors among the abducted including the remains of the dead to our respective families. We also repeated our petition hard to South Korean government to hold talks with North Korea regarding the confirmation of the deaths among the abducted and the repatriation of the survivors. 4. A Small Progress
In the Red Cross Conference held last September, delegations from the South and the North agreed for the first time to make joint efforts to confirm the survival or death of the abducted, and identify their whereabouts, even though they used the ambiguous term ‘Missing during the War,’ to describe the abducted. We, the families of the abducted, welcomed that agreement, and urged its immediate execution. Yet due to the non-cooperation of North Korea, there is no progress. 5. The Problems of Our Government Policy on the North
The so-called Sun Shine policy on the North, which helped the military clique of Kim Jung Il in the North, the ruthless violator of human rights, was an utter failure in dealing with the hardships of the lower class people in the North, and in protecting the human rights of the abducted during the Korean War.

In contrast, the Japanese government worked hard to save 11 Japanese nationals who were abducted by North Korea, after asking for the cooperation of the U.S. government. The effort already bore fruit, when five Japanese nationals were saved. Unfortunately, as far as we know, the South Korean government did not even raise such an issue with the U.S., most likely a staunch supporter of solving the problems of the abducted.
We, the families of the abducted during the Korean War, are in full sympathy with President Bush in his attitude toward North Korea. We share his concern about the North Korea, which neglects its duty to protect the freedom and the human rights of its citizens. Under this difficult situation, we, the families of the abducted during the Korean War, earnestly implore the President, leaders of Congress, and the government of the United States, an ally-in-blood who fought for freedom and human rights in Korea, to continue to raise this important issue of the abducted during the Korean War. We pray, with your continuing interest and concern, that we will hear some good news about our beloved in North Korea.
Thank you very much.

▼Appeal from the Families of the Abducted and Detained in North Korea (FAD)
Website: www.rehome.or.kr
March 3, 2003

We sincerely request that the abducted and detained South Koreans be a top agenda in the U.S-North Korea talks. We strongly hope to spend Christmas this year with our families still suffering in North Korea. Please help us to get reunited with our families as soon as possible.

Many of you will remember the historic inter-Korean summit in June 2000. The whole world watched as a great wave of hope and reconciliation overflowed in the divided peninsula. The leaders of the two Koreas, technically at war for the last half-century, locked each other in embrace and made each other a number of great promises. We also witnessed the return of ‘long-term unconverted prisoners’ to North Korea. These people, some of whom had been confined for decades in South Korea, were freed to come home as heroes. It was a humanitarian act that the families of the abducted and detained in North Korea hoped would be reciprocated in the same spirit.

Our expectations were sadly let down. Since the landmark summit nothing has been done for our missing beloved ones or for the families that wait for them. We still do not know whether our missing family members are dead or alive, and the strength and the hope many of us had have been weakening. In fact, many of us are aged, spending their remaining days in agony over their missing beloved ones. Many have already passed away with their hearts broken from suffering for years.

There are many South Korean mothers like Mrs. SakieYokota in Japan, who have been forced to be separated from their children. Such South Korea young men as Mr. Seung-min Choi, Mr. Min-kyo Lee, and Mr. Gun-pyo Hong have been forced to part with their families against their will. Young wives have lost their husbands, and sons and daughters have lost their fathers. We cannot forgive the North Korean government for maliciously disrupting our family ties in order to fulfill their evil objectives.

>From the Korean War half a century ago to as recently as the last few
487 South Koreans have been kidnapped on order of the North Korean authorities. We believe it is the responsibility of people like ourselves who have the freedom and the right to live where we want, in the manner we want, and with whom we want, to reclaim these rights for the abducted and detained in North Korea.

I had not realized the importance of fighting for the rights of both the North Korean public and those who have been taken against their will to North Korea, until the day my father did not come home after work. There are few people on Earth who have so little to eat while suffering so much as do the people of North Korea, where our missing fathers, mothers, sons and daughters are still detained.

Woo-young Choi, President
Families of the Abducted and Detained in North Korea (FAD)

TEL 03-3946-5780/FAX 03-3944-5692 http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~lj7k-ark
〒112-0015 東京都文京区目白台3-25-13 
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